Through the Entrepreneur Of The Year® program, we celebrate the unstoppable entrepreneurs whose unbounded ambitions deliver innovation, growth and prosperity that transform our world.
The Entrepreneur Of The Year program, founded by EY, has recognized the endeavors of exceptional men and women who create the products and services that keep our worldwide economy moving forward. Since its inception, Entrepreneur Of The Year has grown dramatically and now includes programs in more than 145 cities and more than 60 countries worldwide.
Congratulations to our Entrepreneur Of The Year® Michigan and Northwest Ohio finalists. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of these unstoppable entrepreneurs during a virtual awards gala event on October 8 at 6:00 p.m. EST.
Ryan Greenawalt | Alta Equipment | Livonia, Michigan
Raj Vattikuti | Altimetrik | Southfield, Michigan
Elijah Crotzer | ARCH Global Precision | Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Brad Baxter and Jacob Zuppke | AutoPets | Auburn Hills, Michigan
Sam Beznos | Beztak Companies | Farmington Hills, Michigan
Justin Mast | Bloomscape | Detroit, Michigan
Mathew Vachaparampil | Caresoft Global, Inc. | Livonia, Michigan
John Sammut and Jochen Lipp | Firstronic, Inc | Grand Rapids, Michigan
Eric J. Erwin | FloraCraft Corporation | Ludington, Michigan
Pat Gillespie | Gillespie Group | Lansing, Michigan
Lisa Lunsford | Global Strategic Supply Solutions | Livonia, Michigan
Tony Mira | MiraMed Global Services, Inc. | Jackson, Michigan
Uma Sharma, PhD | MMS Holdings | Canton, Michigan
Garrett Morelock | Monroe Engineering Products | Rochester, Michigan
Kerry Ann Rockquemore, PhD and Robin Mohapatra | National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity | Detroit, Michigan
Gwen Jimmere | Naturalicious | Livonia, Michigan
Tom Shea | OneStream Software | Rochester, Michigan
Meredith Bronk | OST | Grand Rapids, Michigan
Tricia Ruby | Ruby+Associates, Inc. | Bingham Farms, Michigan
Jon DeGaynor | Stoneridge, Inc. | Novi, Michigan
Daryl Adams | The Shyft Group | Novi, Michigan
Greg Kiley | Velocity, A Managed Services Company, Inc. | Holland, Ohio
Billy Hall, Dan McMurtrie and Chris Mattina, Jr. | VESTA Modular | Southfield, Michigan
Alina Morse | Zolli Candy | Commerce Township, Michigan
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